CS1011: Software Development I
s. (prereq: none) (3-2-4)
On successful completion of this course, the student will:
- Design and document an algorithmic solution for a given problem statement
- Use if/if-else/switch statements to control program flow in algorithmic solutions
- Select the appropriate selection control statement for a given task
- Create and interpret complex expressions that use relational and boolean operators
- Use while/do-while/for statements to control repetition in algorithmic solutions
- Select the appropriate repetition control statement for a given task
- Translate UML class diagrams into Java code
- Design and implement simple classes
- Design and implement class and object methods
- Use existing Java class libraries
- Design and implement simple Java programs
- Declare and use collections of primitive and object data using arrays
- Declare and use collections of object data using
The above course description and goals were taken from the official course description.
General Course Policies
Please review your professor's course policies. Dr. Taylor's general course policies webpage.
Introduction to Programming with Java: A Problem Solving Approach, 3rd Ed., by Dean and Dean, McGraw-Hill, 2021. This book is used for both CS1011 and CS1021. There are two purchasing options:
- VitalSource Inclusive Access eBook with Online Access, ISBN: 978-1-26-095839-3
- If you'd like a hard copy, you can also add Loose Leaf Inclusive Access, ISBN: 978-1-26-426033-1
Both should be available through the MSOE bookstore.
Self-Learning Modules
Varies by section. Check with your professor.
Varies by section. Check with your professor.
Unless stated otherwise, all laboratory assignments will be completed individually.
Varies by section. Check with your professor.
Tutoring Options
The Raider Center for Academic Success offers free tutoring for all MSOE students through 1-1 tutoring, group tutoring, writing assistance and Study Spaces. RCAS is located on campus on the 2nd floor of the Walter Schroeder Library. For more information on RCAS Tutoring you can visit their website, schedule an appointment, email at rcastutoring@msoe.edu, or call 414-277-7274