General Course Policies

See specific course syllabus for any deviations from this document.



You are expected to read the lab assignment before lab begins.


Unless explicitly stated otherwise, each student must submit an individually written report for each laboratory assignment. Reports should include all the software code written as part of the lab project and should conform to the specified documentation standards.

Late Reports

There is a 10% per business day late penalty for lab reports submitted after the scheduled due date. There is an approximately one hour grace period for late reports. No reports will be accepted after 3:30pm on Friday of week 15. Grading of on-time reports are prioritized, and late reports may not be graded until the end of the term.

It is expected that students will complete assignments successfully. Any lab report containing a non-functional program that is submitted on time will only be eligible for 50% of the possible points for that lab assignment.

It is expected that students will seek assistance when they get stuck on an assignment. Any lab report containing a non-functional program that is submitted without the student first asking me for help will only be eligible for 50% of the possible points for that lab assignment.


It is your responsibility to be present for all exams. Please contact me in advance if you have a valid conflict with a scheduled exam. Final exams will be comprehensive.

I or the exam administrator may employ video recording during exams.


≥93% ≥89% ≥85% ≥81% ≥77% ≥74% ≥70% <70%

Generally speaking, I follow the above grading scale. However, I do reserve the right to award higher grades than dictated by the grading scale if I determine that such an adjustment is appropriate.


I expend a great deal of effort to ensure that the grades I give are fair. Therefore, I would like to be made aware of situations in which I have not been fair. However, regrades will only be considered in cases of gross negligence. Students who feel that I have been grossly negligent in grading their work should resubmit their work for a written formal review. The resubmission must be accompanied by an explanation of why additional points are warranted and a recommendation of how many additional points should be awarded. Regrades must be resubmitted (along with the appropriate documentation) within one week after the assignment was returned.


Class participation is required. You are expected to attend all class sessions and be fully engaged. If you are not in class and do not have an acceptable documented excuse (e.g., note from doctor) you will be marked absent. Your semester grade will be adjusted downward by the following amount for the number of days missed: 2n/32, where n is the number of days missed.

Days Missed 1 2 3 4 5 ... 10
Penalty 0.0625% 0.125% 0.25% 0.5% 1% ... 32%

If you decide to drop out of the course, it is your responsibility to notify the registrar. I will not drop you for missing class or lab. If you stop coming to class without notifying the registrar that you are dropping the course, it is likely that you will receive an "F" grade.

Attendance in lab is mandatory. Students who miss lab or leave early, without submitting a complete lab report first, will only be eligible for 50% of the possible points for that lab assignment.


If events make in-person attendance problematic, this policy may be adjusted. My intent is to record all lectures so that they can be viewed at a later time. If appropriate, lectures may be transmitted via video conferencing technology to accommodate students.

Laptop Usage

If you choose to attend lectures, I expect you to make every effort to give me your undivided attention. You may use your laptop to take notes; however, you should not use your laptop for anything else. If you find it difficult to stay focused with your laptop open, I encourage you to use a pen or pencil for your notes. Students who chose to take notes using their laptop in class must email a copy of their notes to me before 11pm the day of lecture.

Mobile Device Usage

Mobile phones may not be used in the classroom. If you are expecting an important call, please let me know in advance and then excuse yourself from the classroom if you receive the call during class.


Students are expected to act in a professional manner in dealing with all matters pertaining to this course. In particular, deceptive practices of any sort are unacceptable. For example, it is unacceptable to turn in a program that doesn't work correctly without indicating what parts don't work correctly.

Lab projects are to be your own work. This does not mean that you cannot discuss ideas and approaches with other students or faculty, but you should write the source code yourself. In particular, you should never be in possession of a copy (in any form) of all or part of another student's source code. If you have any question as to what types of cooperation are acceptable, please talk to me.

I will not tolerate cheating, so please plan on receiving a zero for any assignment in which you choose not to act in a professional manner.


You are responsible for assignments and announcements made in class or lab. In addition, you should periodically check your email account and the webpages for the course.

Feedback Wanted

I am interested in your feedback on how I can make this course better. Feel free to stop by my office, send me email, or drop an anonymous note in my department mailbox with suggestions on how I can make this a better class for you. Please don't wait until evaluation time because I won't see those comments until the semester is over.

Institutional Policies

Student Accessibility Services

For students with documented disabilities, chronic medical conditions or mental health concerns; MSOE provides services to make reasonable accommodations available. If you are a student who requires or anticipates the need for accommodations, please contact the Student Accessibility Services at 414.277.7281, by email at, or in person at K250 to discuss appropriate accommodations and eligibility requirements. In addition, I'd like to do what I can to help. Please meet with me in my office in the first three weeks of the semester to discuss what I can do to help you be successful.

Nondiscrimination Statement

Milwaukee School of Engineering admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded, or made available, to students at the university. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status or disability in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other institutionally administered programs. MSOE also maintains its long-standing policy as an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer of male and female personnel for its faculty and administrative staff.

Other Policies