This lab will give you a taste of what it is like to work on a larger project involving other people. You will use a couple of UML diagrams and other documentation to guide implementing two classes.
Accept your instructor's invitation to the assignment in GitHub Classroom and then create a new project from version control. Your project should have the following files:
- The
file contains a starting point for yourDistrict
class. - The
file contains a program to test your implementation.
You have been hired to implement an API for a number of parking lots in
a district. Someone else is developing hardware to detect when vehicles
enter or leave each lot, and you are writing classes that will be used by
the hardware to measure lot usage. In particular, you are writing two
classes: ParkingLot
to track the number of vehicles in an
individual lot, and District
to track the lots in the
parking district.
A design team has specified the API. This API is partially documented in
the following class diagram. You will implement a
class ParkingLot
consistent with this diagram. You can add
attributes and private methods, but you must implement the methods (with
the specified parameters) as shown. The key operations are
and markVehicleExit
which are
called when vehicles enter or exit a lot. These take a timestamp
parameter which is the number of minutes since the lot opened. The design
team has also written part of District.java
with stubs for
the portions that you need to write. Again, you may add private
attributes and methods as required, but you must stay consistent with the
ParkingLot |
+CLOSED_THRESHOLD: double {readOnly} = 80.0 -name: String {readOnly} |
+ParkingLot(capacity: int) +ParkingLot(name: String, capacity: int) +displayStatus(): void +getMinutesClosed(): int +getName(): String +getNumberOfSpotsRemaining(): int +getPercentFull(): double +isClosed(): boolean +markVehicleEntry(timestamp: int): void +markVehicleExit(timestamp: int): void |
determines when the lot is closed. The UML
notation {readOnly}
means that it is a final value and the
underlining indicates it is static
District |
-lot1: ParkingLot -lot2: ParkingLot -lot3: ParkingLot |
+District(name1: String, capacity1: int, name2: String, capacity2: int, name3: String, capacity3: int) +displayStatus(): void +getMinutesClosed(): int +getNumberOfSpotsRemaining(): int +isClosed(): boolean +markVehicleEntry(lotNumber: int, timestamp: int): void +markVehicleExit(lotNumber: int, timestamp: int): void |
for notes on the parameters and implementations.
The ParkingDriver
class below contains tests that you can use to
verify your implementation of the ParkingLot
classes. You do not need to modify the
ParkingDriver |
+main(args: String[]): void -testSmallLot(): void -testTinyDistrict(): void -testParkingLot(): void -testFillingLot(): void -testRefillingLot(lot: ParkingLot): void -testEmptyingLot(lot: ParkingLot): void -test0TimeEntryExit(): void -testFillingTo80Percent(): void ... |
Additional Notes on ParkingLot
The ParkingLot
class is designed to manage the number of vehicles that can park in the lot. A vehicle enters a parking lot at a specified timestamp by calling the markVehicleEntry
method and passing in the specified timestamp. Similarly, vehicles exit the lot with a call to markVehicleExit
It is expected that timestamp never goes backwards. If markVehicleEntry
or markVehicleExit
is called with a timestamp that is before some other call, assume the sensor glitched and ignore the event.
- Each parking lot has a name. To simplify testing,
defaults the name to "test
" when no name is specified. - The method
returns how full the parking lot is as a percentage. - The class constant
is set to 80, indicating that the lots will be closed when they are 80% full. - The method
returns true when the lot is at leastCLOSED_THRESHOLD
percent full. When it reaches this point, an electronic sign goes on saying the lot is closed so drivers do not waste fuel circling the lot to find one of the few remaining spaces. Drivers can ignore this sign and continue to enter. You do not need to handle the case where the number of vehicles is greater than the lot capacity. - The method
returns the number of minutes during which the lot has been closed (as defined above). You can assume this method will never be called while the lot is closed; that is, enough vehicles will have exited that the closed sign has turned off, reopening the lot to new drivers. - The method
returns the number of parking spots remaining in the lot at any one time. - The method
prints the name of the lot and the percentage of the lot that is occupied. If the percentage is at or above the threshold, it prints "CLOSED" in place of the percentage full. When displaying a number, display just one digit after the decimal place, rounding appropriately. See the sample output below for details.
Additional Notes on District
You should start with the initial version of the
file. At a minimum, you will need to write
code at all of the locations marked by "TODO:".
- The method
has been written for you to calldisplayStatus
on each parking lot. - The methods
take an additional parameter inDistrict
, the parking lot which the vehicle is entering or exiting. - The method
returns true if and only if all of the parking lots are closed at that time. - The method
returns the number of minutes that all of the parking lots are closed at the same time. This information would be used to determine if more parking lots are needed.
Following best practices, another software developer has written a
class to test your code. One of the
tests has been documented by a sequence diagram below. Note the general
pattern: a message is sent to ourTown
, and this generates messages to
one or all of the parking lots.

The figure below corresponds to the test method testComingAndGoing
in the ParkingDriver

It is recommended that you edit ParkingDriver.main()
and comment
out everything but the call to testSmallLot()
. You only need to
have your ParkingLot
implementation complete to pass these tests.
You can then continue to add back in the calls to the other tests
methods ensuring that all tests pass before proceeding.
Sample Output
The output from running the final version will be as follows. Note that obtaining this output does not automatically mean your solution is working - you need to satisfy all requirements above - but it certainly is a great step in the right direction. Also note that having small differences in the results for the "heavier usage" test may also be acceptable; there can be slight differences in computations that can give you different final numbers. In the end, whether or not your solution is correct is something you must decide for yourself; tests alone cannot tell you when you are done.
Testing Small Lot... Blacktop parking lot status: CLOSED Finished Testing Small Lot Testing Overfilling a Lot... Finished Testing Overfilling a Lot More Complete Test of Parking Lot... Testing ParkingLot test parking lot status: 75.0% test parking lot status: CLOSED test parking lot status: 50.0% test parking lot status: 0.0% Finished More Complete Test of Parking Lot Testing Coming and Going... Finished Testing Coming and Going Testing Tiny District... District status: Red parking lot status: CLOSED Green parking lot status: 0.0% Blue parking lot status: CLOSED Lots were closed for 3 min. in tiny district. Finished Testing Tiny District Finished Testing Normal District... Airport at timestamp 7: District status: Brown parking lot status: 70.0% Green parking lot status: CLOSED Black parking lot status: 58.3% Airport at timestamp 8: District status: Brown parking lot status: CLOSED Green parking lot status: CLOSED Black parking lot status: 58.3% Airport at timestamp 10: District status: Brown parking lot status: CLOSED Green parking lot status: CLOSED Black parking lot status: CLOSED Finished Testing Normal District Finished Testing Heavily Used District... At end of day, all lots closed 42 min. District status: Pink parking lot status: 68.0% Blue parking lot status: CLOSED Gray parking lot status: 20.0% Finished Testing Heavily Used District All tests finished.
This laboratory assignment was developed by Dr. Rob Hasker and the CS1011 faculty.