Due Dates

Due dates for specific items are detailed below. Due dates for other items may vary from team to team. It is the team's responsibility to set and meet due dates for their deliverables each quarter. Items are due 11pm the day before the team meets with its advisor. For example, if a team meets with its advisor at noon on Tuesdays, the project proposal is due 11pm, Monday of week 2.

Fall Quarter

Note: Each team must set the due date for the technology report and indicate this in the week 3 status report. Each team may have additional deliverables (depending on the project). Due dates for these should be specified in their week 3 status report as well.

Weeks 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9

Note: the week number associated with the status report should match the week of the quarter in which it was submitted. For example, the week 2 status report is due prior to the meeting with your advisor in week 2 and should discuss the progress made by each team member in the previous seven calendar days.

Week 2

Week 3

Week 6

A portion of the advisor meeting this week will be dedicated to a sprint review where the team will demonstrate the increment delivered at the end of the previous sprint. Another portion of this meeting will be to review the sprint 2 plan. Be sure to come to the meeting prepared to discuss your preliminary plan. Based on feedback from your product owner, there may be slight adjustments to the plan. If no adjustments are made, no additional planning should be needed.

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Friday of week 10

The presentation will serve as the sprint review for this sprint. Additional communication with your product owner to get feedback on your sprint 3 plan may need to be arranged.

Note: Sprint 3 starts the day after sprint 2 ends. The remainder of week 10, finals week, and break week will all be part of the first week of sprint 3 which will end at 11pm the day prior to your winter week 1 advisor meeting. Based on the experience of prior senior design teams, it is suggested that students use the remainder of week 10 and finals week to complete the first third of sprint 3.

Winter Quarter

Note: The due dates for a number of deliverables must be determined by each team and included in the week 2 status report. These will include, but are not limited to, the following:

Weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9

Week 2

Week 3

The meeting will focus on the sprint 3 review and sprint 4 planning.

Week 5

Week 6

The meeting will focus on the sprint 4 review and sprint 5 planning.

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

The meeting will focus on the sprint 5 review and sprint 6 planning.

The end of the first week of sprint 6 is the day prior to the spring week 1 meeting with your advisor. You are highly encouraged to complete work associated with the first third of the sprint prior to leaving for break.

Friday of week 10

Spring Quarter

Teams may choose to propose an alternative development process for the spring quarter. If approved, the due dates described below may not apply.

Note: The due dates for a number of deliverables must be determined by each team and included in the week 2 status report. These will include, but are not limited to, the following:

In addition, each team will participate in the IEEE Milwaukee Section Larry Hause Student Poster Competition. This typically takes place a Thursday night in week 6, 7, or 8.

Weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9

Week 2

Begin planning for OWASP ASVS analysis (see week 4)

Week 3

The meeting will focus on the sprint 6 review and sprint 7 planning.

Week 4

OWASP ASVS analysis

Week 5

Week 6

The meeting will focus on the sprint 7 review and sprint 8 planning.

Week 8

Week 9

The meeting will focus on the sprint 8 review.

Week 10 (due Friday 11pm)

Week 11