Tech Report
The technology report should discuss your rationale for technology choices made for the project. It should be clear from your report that you considered standards and realistic constraints and used an engineering process to make technology choices for your project.
The technology report should include:
- An overview of the technology related issues for you project.
- A list of requirements (functional and non-functional) for the technology to be used.
- A list of potential technology options.
- A set of strategies for evaluating your choices. This will likely include research as well as well chosen prototype implementations.
- Prototypes should be designed to help determine whether a particular technology will be best for your project. Typically these prototypes will focus on creating functionality for the least understood aspects of your project.
- A rationale for each technology choice listing advantages and disadvantages for each option considered. Be sure to including aspects such as cost and the potential for increased risk.
- Your target audience for this document is an ABET evaluator whose goal is to find evidence that you have
- defined the requirements
- identified potential technology
- developed relevant experiments and/or prototypes to increase your understanding of the technology
- identified and minimized risks associated with making specific selections
- clearly documented and justified your choices
In particular, the technology report may be an ideal place to demonstrate proficiency with the following student outcomes for the software engineering program:
- SO 1-4: A student will identify constraints in open ended problems.
- SO 3-4: A student will justify tradeoffs to a member of management.
- Your report will likely include summaries of experiments and/or prototypes as well as links to the raw data/code in GitLab