Show Abstract
All teams will need to prepare a short description of their project for inclusion in the Student Projects Show booklet.
For reference, take a look at this page for a summary of the student projects show from May 2019. Use entries in the booklet as a guide for generating your team's description.
You should submit your description for review and approval by your advisor. Please use this form as a starting point. In addition to the textual description, you may include one graphic. Even if the graphic is in the Word file, please also include it as a separate high-resolution JPEG file.
All teams' catalog entries should include, in the following order:
- The official name of the project
- Team Members in alphabetical order with major(s)
- Faculty Advisor, including "Dr." when appropriate (academic titles, e.g., assistant professor, etc are not needed)
- Sponsor(s) (if applicable)
- A brief description of the project (150 words or less)