Purpose of this Site

The intent of this site is to provide information about the data currently used by the Semester Transition Advising Tool (STAT) software. Please take a look at the information provided and send feedback with any corrections or additions to Chris Taylor.


Graduation requirements for students starting under quarters and finishing under semesters are governed by two constraints:

Course Requirement Specification

Each program specifies a nominal curriculum track for students starting in AY2021 (Fall 2020), AY2022, and AY2023. These curricular tracks specify one, two, or three years of quarter courses with the remaining years specified with semester courses. It is intended that students will follow the applicable nominal track to the extent that it is possible; however, programs may add flexibility to these tracks by designating certain class as "Must Have." If a class is designated as "Must Have," the student must complete it or suitable alternative(s) in order to graduate. Any class without the "Must Have" designation is not required to graduate.

Credit Thresholds

To ensure that students obtain a sufficient amount of coursework in areas relevant to the program, a program may specify additional credit thresholds for specific content areas. A student must meet all of these credit counts to meet graduate requirements. For convenience, I'll refer to each topical area as a credit bucket. The general education requirements during the transition specify that all students, regardless of program, must complete a minimum number of semester credits:

In additional, a program must specify the total number of semester credits needed to graduate and may specify additional credit requirements for other topical areas. For example, the architectural engineering program requires:

Since engineering accreditation requires graduates to have a minimum of 30 semester credits of math and natural science coursework and 45 semester credits of engineering coursework, this approach ensures that those requirements are met. The STAT software tallies the number of credits that each student has completed (or has planned) and provides a warning if the student's plan does not meet all of these requirements.

As part of this specification, the program must provide a list of all of the courses (or a set of rules for determining the list) that should be counted towards a topical bucket.

Plea for Your Help

Several data files have been curated to fully specify the requirements for each program. It is very likely that there are errors or omissions in these data files, and I could use your help in finding them. Correcting these early will provide a more satisfactory experience for PDs and advisors as they use this tool.

Nominal Transition Plan Checks

Below you will see links to the nominal transition plans. Please look over all of the transition plans for your program. Here is an example of the first year of the nominal curriculum track for an accounting major transitioning to semesters in year 2:

First year of Accounting Transition in Year 2 trackFigure 1: First year of Accounting Transition in Year 2 track

The columns represent the following:

In Figure 1,

Please verify all the information on the tracks, but specifically that:

  • the correct courses listed in the correct spots
  • the Must Have column is correct
  • the Sufficient column is correct and complete

Transition Plans

Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management Department

Architectural Engineering, B.S.

Math/Science | Program | Total -||- 31 | 47 | 125

Civil Engineering, B.S.

Math/Science | Program | Total -||- ? | 70 | 127

Construction Management, B.S.


Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department

Biomedical Engineering, B.S.

Math/Science | Program | Total -||- 31 | 58 | 126

Computer Engineering, B.S.

Math/Science | Program | Total -||- 33 | 64 | 128

Computer Science, B.S.

Math/Science | Program | Total -||- 29 | 64 | 123

Electrical Engineering, B.S.

Math/Science | Program | Total -||- 31 | 66 | 125

Electrical Engineering EEX, B.S.

Math/Science | Program | Total -||- 31 | 66 | 125

Software Engineering, B.S.

Math/Science | Program | Total -||- 31 | 63 | 124

Humanities, Social Science, and Communication Department

User Experience, B.S.


Mathematics Department


Actuarial Science, B.S.

Mechanical Engineering Department

Industrial Engineering

Math/Science | Program | Total -||- 30 | 67 | 128

Mechanical Engineering

Math/Science | Program | Total -||- 30 | 69 | 124

Physics and Chemistry Department

BioMolecular Engineering, B.S.

Math/Science | Program | Total -||- 33 | 56 | 125

Raider School of Business

Accounting, B.S.


Finance, B.S.


Management, B.S.


Marketing, B.S.


Operations and Systems Management, B.S.


School of Nursing

Nursing, B.S.
