Lab 3: Connect the Dots Generator Revisited

Learning Outcomes



This assignment focuses on algorithmic analysis and benchmarking. While you will still need to write and deliver code, the main deliverable is a report analyzing algorithmic time complexity and results of benchmarking experiments. You will update your solution to the previous assignment based on feedback from your instructor and enhance its functionality. The key enhancements will allow you to compare the efficiency of using iterators versus indices when accessing elements in LinkedLists.

While this assignment builds on the previous two assignments, you will create a command line user interface and abandon the GUI used previously.


You will use the functionality developed in lab 2 to complete the following:


Refactoring keepDots() Method

You must refactor keepDots() in the Picture class so that it now accepts the arguments (int numberDesired, String strategy) and uses the second to determine which of the following two private static methods to call:

All of these methods must return the number of nanoseconds required to complete the method call. You may find System.nanoTime() useful for this.

Command Line Program

Replace your GUI with a command line program that is run from the command line like this:

java username.BenchmarkDot2Dot data/ 25 index linkedlist

The command specifies the following command line arguments:

The program should display to the console the number of microseconds the program took to remove the dots.

You may find it useful to reference SLM 10 from CS1021.

Results and Discussion

The goal of this assignment is to gain experience analyzing the performance of different implementations. Be sure to devote sufficient time and energy to this analysis. Here you will model the growth rates of two scenarios both theoretically (big-O analysis) and empirically (benchmarking):

  1. indexedKeepDots() when using a LinkedList.
  2. iteratedKeepDots() when using a LinkedList.

Create a Word document that includes the components described below. Unless otherwise directed by your instructor, place it in your project folder (same level as the src folder and add it to your repo. Be sure to commit and push it with the rest of your solution to this assignment.

Big-O Analysis

In your report, you must outline your asymptotic time analysis for the above scenarios. Your analysis must include a discussion clearly justifying the \( O( ? ) \) answer for each scenario. Use \( n \) to indicate the number of dots in the list before any are removed.

It may be helpful to review the run times of accessing a single element of LinkedList by calling next() on an iterator and theLinkedList.get(int) method.


Your must also benchmark your code for both of the above scenarios. In your benchmarks, you will vary the number of dots in the drawings but always remove the same number of dots. This is because we want to assess the impact of a single change at one time.

You have been provided the following files (see the data folder in the project) to use in your benchmarks:

You should have your program remove 100 dots from each drawing and record the time (in microseconds). Note that your program takes input in the form of the number of dots that should remain after the removal. You must calculate the number of remaining dots for each drawing (e.g., 125 - 100 = 25 desired dots) to ensure that only 100 dots are removed.

Graph these data in Excel and compare your plot with your aysmptotic time analysis. You should put the independent variable (number of dots in the drawing) on the horizontal axis and the dependent variable (run time) on vertical axis. Your graph should have appropriate axis labels, a title, and a legend. The sample graph shows idealized linear and quadratic functions as an example:

Example Plot
Figure 1: Example Plot of Two Functions

Interpreting Your Results

In your report, you should answer the following questions:

  1. From your benchmarks, the run time of which scenario grows more slowly as \( n \) is increased? The run time of which scenario grows more quickly as \( n \) is increased?
  2. From your big-O analysis, the run time of which scenario grows more slowly as \( n \) is increased? The run time of which scenario grows more quickly as \( n \) is increased?
  3. Are the results from your benchmarks and big-O analysis consistent?

Just For Fun

Ambitious students may wish to:


This laboratory assignment was developed by Dr. Chris Taylor.