Lab 3: Imaging Wrap-Up
In this assignment, you will incorporate feedback from your instructor from previous assignments and develop a self-contained graphical user interface for the functionality developed in previous assignments.
Video introduction for the lab
In addition to incorporating feedback from your instructor, you must create a JavaFX application using FXML to provide the following user interface functionality:
- Load multiple input images
- Button to request generation and display of a "median" image
- Button to request generation and display of a "mean" image
- Button to save the generated image
An example of a graphical user interface for this assignment is shown below. Your interface does not need to match.
Exception Handling
If any problems are encountered with reading the input files or writing the output file, the program should display a useful error message to the console and terminate gracefully. The program should not crash or display any exceptions.
Just For Fun
Ambitious students may wish to:
- Display all of the input images as well as the output image.
- Develop additional transformation beyond "median" and "mean."
This laboratory assignment, developed by Dr. Chris Taylor.