This page list the academic resources for CSC1120.
Drop In Office Hours
Office hours are an opportunity to ask questions about assignments and current lecture material. You do not need an appointment.
- Sydney/Malcom (Learning Assistants)
- Location: DH 449
- Days: Tuesdays
- Times: 6pm - 8pm
Review Sessions
Weekly high-impact review sessions will be held for this course. These sessions will cover material from the end of CSC1110 and from CSC1120 from 2-3 weeks prior. The review sessions will not focus on the current course material. These reviews are meant to help students who didn't fully understand a topic the first time it was presented, have fallen behind, or just wanted to see a topic presented again.
Session 1: Monday from 9am - 10am in DH 210
Session 2: Tuesday from 9am - 10am in DH 449
Code repo:
Week | Topics |
1 | Exceptions |
2 | File I/O |
3 | Inheritance and Abstract Classes |
4 | JavaFX and Exceptions |
5 | TBD |
6 | TBD |
7 | TBD |
8 | TBD |
9 | TBD |
10 | TBD |
11 | TBD |
12 | TBD |
13 | TBD |
14 | TBD |
15 | TBD |