
Flow Chart

Curriculum with Precalc

Flow Chart with Precalc

Math Minor
Computer Science students can obtain the Math Minor by doing the following:
- Take MTH 2140, Differential Equations which fulfills the a Free elective required by the program.
- Take one 3000 or 4000 level course from the approved elective list which fulfills the other Free elective required by the program.
- MTH 2130, Calculus III is required by the program.
- MTH 2340, Linear Algebra with Applications is required by the program.
- MTH 2310, Discrete Mathematics is required by the program.
User Experience Minor
Computer Science students can obtain the UX Minor by doing the following:
- Take UXD 3030, Data Visualization which fulfills the Program Upper-Level Technical elective required by the program.
- Take one additional course from the approved elective list which fulfills a Free elective required by the program.
- Take one of the other approved HSC Department electives that meets either the Raider Core Exhibit Curiosity or Raider Core Embrace Diversity elective and is required by the program.
- PHL 3102, Ethics of AI is required by the program
- COM 2001, Writing for the STEM Disciplines is required by the program
- UXD 1001, Human-Centered Design is required by the program
Computer Engineering Minor
Computer Science students can obtain the Computer Engineering Minor by doing the following:
- Take CPE 1500, Digital Logic which fulfills a Free elective required by the program.
- Take CPE 2610, Embedded Systems which fulfills the Program Lower-Level Technical elective required by the program.
- Take one 3000 or 4000 level course from the approved elective list which fulfills the Program Upper-Level Techincal elective required by the program.
- Take one additional course from the approved elective list which fulfills the other Free elective required by the program.
- CSC 2210, Procedural and Object-Oriented C++ which is required by the program. This course satisfies the minor requirement of CPE 2600, Systems Programming.
Semester Electives
All undergraduate students at MSOE must complete general education requirements. That page lists courses that meet the requirements of each type of Course Learning Outcome mandated by the general education requirements.
Here is a list of the courses that qualify for the different electives that are part of the Computer Science program.
Early Entry into the Machine Learning Master's Program
Early entry into the Machine Learning Master's Program makes it possible for software engineering students to complete the master's program by completing coursework in the summer and fall after graduation.