Tentative School of Advance Computing elective offerings for Fall 2025

Tentative School of Advance Computing elective offerings for Spring 2026

While not offered by the School of Advanced Computing, HSC is planning to offer UXD3030, Data Visualization (COM2001 and Junior Standing) which counts as an ELC-PUT.

Below is a more comprehensive list of courses that can be used to meet elective requirements. Courses with prereqs not typically taken by CS and SE students are listed towards the end of each list.

Other elective lists

ELC LabS - Lab Sciences Elective

ELC MS - Math/Science Elective

Additional electives with other prereqs:

ELC PLT - Program Elective (Lower Technical) (all require CSC 1120 as a prereq)

ELC PUT - Program Elective (Upper Technical)

Additional electives with other prereqs:

ELC Secu - Security Elective

This elective is only required for CS students with at least one quarter-based course.

ELC Free - Free Elective