Tentative School of Advance Computing elective offerings for Fall 2025
- CYB2001, Introduction to Cybersecurity Principles (CSC1120)
- SWE2511, Web Applications (CSC1120)
- CYB3551, Digital Forensics (CSC3210)
- CSC4980, Applied Deep Learning
- SWE3411, Software Requirements and Architecture (SWE2410, SWE2710)
- SWE4211, Real-Time Systems (CSC2210, CSC3210)
- SWE4540, Network Security Tools and Practices (CSC3210)
- CSC5201, Microservices and Cloud Computing (CSC3320, CSC3210)
- CSC5661, Reinforcement Learning (CSC2621, MTH2480, MTH2340)
Tentative School of Advance Computing elective offerings for Spring 2026
- CYB2311, Introduction to Cybersecurity Principles (CSC1120, MTH2310)
- SWE2721, Introduction to Software Verification (CSC1120, MTH2310)
- CSC4201, Microservices and Cloud Computing (CSC3320, CSC3210)
- CSC4641, Natural Language Processing (CSC3310)
- SWE4411, Game Development (CSC1120, CSC2210)
- SWE4511, DevSecOps (CSC3210, SWE2721, SWE3411)
While not offered by the School of Advanced Computing, HSC is planning to offer UXD3030, Data Visualization (COM2001 and Junior Standing) which counts as an ELC-PUT.
Below is a more comprehensive list of courses that can be used to meet elective requirements. Courses
with prereqs not typically taken by CS and SE students are listed towards the end of each list.
Other elective lists
ELC LabS - Lab Sciences Elective
- BIO 1110 - Cell Biology and Genetics
- BIO 1410 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I
- BIO 2310 - Clinical Microbiology
- CHM 1010 - Chemistry I
- CHM 1310 - Chemistry of Food Molecules
- PHY 1110 - Physics I - Mechanics and Thermodynamics (required for SE students)
ELC MS - Math/Science Elective
- MTH 2130 - Calculus III Prereqs: MTH 1120 (required for CS students)
- MTH 2140 - Differential Equations Prereqs: MTH 1120
- MTH 2680 - Introduction to Probability Prereqs: MTH 1120
- MTH 3340 - Abstract Algebra with Applications Prereqs: MTH 2340 or MTH 2140 or MTH 2310
- MTH 3410 - Applied Regression Analysis Prereqs: MTH 2480 or MTH 2430 or MTH 2450
- MTH 4130 - Complex Analysis Prereqs: MTH 2130 and MTH 2140
- MTH 4150 - Partial Differential Equations Prereqs: MTH 2130 and MTH 2140
Additional electives with other prereqs:
- CHM 1020 - Chemistry II Prereqs: CHM 1010
- CHM 3850 - Food Chemistry Prereqs: CHM 1010 or CHM 1310
- SCI 3750 - Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Prereqs: CHM 1010
- PHY 1120 - Physics II - Electricity, Magnetism, and Optics Prereqs: PHY 1110
- PHY 3570 - Introduction to Quantum Computing Prereqs: PHY 1110 and (PHY 1120 or MTH 2430)
- BIO 2320 - Cellular Microbiology Prereqs: BIO 1110
- BIO 2510 - Human Physiology I Prereqs: BIO 1110
- BIO 1420 - Human Anatomy & Physiology II Prereqs: BIO 1410
- BIO 2520 - Human Physiology II Prereqs: BIO 2510
- CHM 2310 - Biochemistry Prereqs: CHM 1020
- CHM 3510 - Advanced Analytical Chemistry Prereqs: CHM 1020
- PHY 3700 - Physics of Electronic Materials and Semiconductor Devices Prereqs: PHY 1120 and MTH 1120
- Any ELC LabS course
ELC PLT - Program Elective (Lower Technical) (all require CSC 1120 as a prereq)
- CYB 2001 - Introduction to Cybersecurity Principles
- CYB 2311 - Introduction to Applied Cryptography Prereqs: MTH 2310
- CSC 2611 - AI Tools (required for CS students)
- SWE 2511 - Web Applications (required for SE students)
- SWE 2721 - Introduction to Software Verification Prereqs: MTH 2310 and SWE 2710 (required for SE students)
- BME 2310 - Embedded Systems for Biomedical Engineers Prereqs: CSC 2210
- CPE 2600 - Systems Programming
- CPE 2610 - Embedded Systems Prereqs: CSC 2210
- ELE 2001 - Electric Circuits I: Theory and Applications Prereqs: MTH 1110
- ELE 2011 - Electric Circuits II: Theory and Applications Prereqs: ELE 2001
- ELE 2051 - Circuit Theory for Mechanical Engineering Prereqs: MTH 1110
- ELE 2610 - Embedded Systems Prereqs: ELE 2001 and (ELE 1601 or ELE 2801)
- Any ELC PUT course
ELC PUT - Program Elective (Upper Technical)
- CPE 4800 - Information Security Prereqs: Third-Year Standing
- CYB 3551 - Digital Forensics Prereqs: CSC 3210
- CYB 4551 - Software Reverse Engineering Prereqs: CSC 3210
- CSC 3511 - Security and Networking (required for CS students)
- CSC 4201 - Microservices and Cloud Computing Prereqs: CSC 3210 or CSC 3320
- CSC 4241 - GPU Programming Prereqs: CSC 2210
- CSC 4243 - Compiler Construction Prereqs: CSC 2210
- CSC 4341 - Competitive Programming
- CSC 4601 - Theory of Machine Learning Prereqs: CSC 2621 and MTH 2130 and MTH 2340 (required for CS students)
- CSC 4611 - Introduction to Deep Learning Prereqs: CSC 4601 (required for CS students)
- CSC 4631 - Artificial Intelligence Prereqs: CSC 2611 (requred for CS students starting in Fall 2022 or later)
- CSC 4641 - Natural Language Processing Prereqs: CSC 3310
- CSC 4651 - Deep Learning in Signal Processing Prereqs: (MTH 2340 or MTH 2130) and (CSC 3310 or CSC 2621)
- CSC 4661 - Reinforcement Learning Prereqs: MTH 2480 and MTH 2340 and CSC 2621
- CSC 4801 - Data Science Practicum Prereqs: CSC 2621 and MTH 2480 (required for CS students)
- CSC 4911 - Mobile Application Development
- CSC 4941 - Robotics Prereqs: CSC 3310
- CSC 4980 - Topics in Computer Science
- CSC 4981 - Topics in Computer Science with Lab
- CSC 4999 - Computer Science Independent Study
- SWE 3411 - Software Requirements and Architecture Prereqs: SWE 2410 and SWE 2710 (required for SE students)
- SWE 4211 - Real-time Systems Prereqs: CSC 3210 (required for SE students)
- SWE 4411 - Game Development Prereqs: CSC 2210 or CPE 2610
- SWE 4540 - Network Security Tools and Practices Prereqs: CSC 3210
- SWE 4980 - Topics in Software Engineering
- SWE 4981 - Topics in Software Engineering with Lab
- SWE 4999 - Software Engineering Independent Study
- SWE 4511 - DevSecOps Prereqs: CSC 3210 and SWE 2721 and SWE 3411 (required for SE students entering MSOE Fall 2022 or later)
- UGR 4970 - Undergraduate Research Experience
- UGR 4971 - Undergraduate Research Thesis I (may replace CSC 4901 for CS students)
- UGR 4972 - Undergraduate Research Thesis II (may replace CSC 4902 for CS students)
- UXD 3030 - Data Visualization Prereqs: COM 2001 and Junior Standing
- BME 3010 - Medical Device Regulation and Standards Prereqs: MTH 2480 and Junior Standing
- BME 3510 - Biotransport Phenomena Prereqs: PHY 1110
Additional electives with other prereqs:
- BME 4910 - Lasers: Medical Applications Prereqs: PHY 1120 and Junior Standing
- BME 3310 - Sensors, Actuators, and Interfaces Prereqs: BME 2310 and BME 3710
- BME 3410 - Biomechanics Prereqs: BIO 2510 and MEC 2010
- BME 3610 - Biomaterials Prereqs: BIO 1110 and CHM 1010 and MEC 2010
- BME 3710 - Biomedical Instrumentation I Prereqs: ELE 2011
- BME 4110 - Control Systems for Biomedical Applications Prereqs: ELE 3300 and BME 3510
- BME 4210 - Medical Imaging Systems Prereqs: ELE 3300 or CSC 4611
- BME 4410 - Advanced Biomechanics Prereqs: BME 3410
- BME 4710 - Biomedical Instrumentation II Prereqs: BME 3710 and ELE 3300
- BME 4980 - Topics in Biomedical Engineering
- BME 4981 - Topics in Biomedical Engineering with Lab
- BME 4999 - Biomedical Engineering Independent Study
- CPE 3300 - Computer Networking Prereqs: CSC 3210 and MTH 2480 and CPE 2610
- CPE 3600 - Advanced Embedded Systems Prereqs: CPE 2610
- CPE 4510 - Superscalar, Multicore, and Multiprocessor Architecture Prereqs: CPE 1510
- CPE 4520 - Memory System and I/O System Architecture Prereqs: CPE 1510
- CPE 4610 - Embedded Systems Fabrication Prereqs: ELE 2001 and CPE 2610
- CPE 4980 - Topics in Computer Engineering
- CPE 4981 - Topics in Computer Engineering with Lab
- CPE 4999 - Computer Engineering Independent Study
- ELE 3101 - Electronics I Prereqs: ELE 2011
- ELE 3111 - Electronics II Prereqs: ELE 3201
- ELE 3201 - Electromagnetics and Transmission Lines Prereqs: ELE 2011 and MTH 2130 and MTH 2140 and PHY 1120
- ELE 3300 - Signals and Systems Prereqs: ELE 2011 and MTH 2140
- ELE 3310 - Introduction to Probability and Random Processes Prereqs: ELE 3300
- ELE 3320 - Digital Signal Processing Prereqs: ELE 3300
- ELE 3401 - Electric Power and Machines Prereqs: ELE 2001 or ELE 2051
- ELE 3510 - Digital Systems Prereqs: ELE 2610 and (ELE 2801 or (CPE 1500 and ELE 1601))
- ELE 3701 - Control Systems Prereqs: ELE 2011 and MTH 2140
- ELE 4142 - Modern Electronic Systems Prereqs: ELE 3210 and ELE 3510 and ELE 3111
- ELE 4240 - Advanced Electromagnetics and Antenna Theory Prereqs: ELE 3201
- ELE 4300 - Principles of Communications Prereqs: ELE 3310
- ELE 4320 - Applications of DSP Prereqs: ELE 3320
- ELE 4403 - Specialty Electric Machines Prereqs: ELE 3101 and ELE 3401
- ELE 4440 - Power Electronics Prereqs: ELE 3101 or ELE 3141
- ELE 4447 - Power System Models and Analysis Prereqs: ELE 3401 and MTH 2140
- ELE 4451 - Grid Stability Prereqs: ELE 3401
- ELE 4480 - Electrical Power Systems Quality Prereqs: ELE 2011 and ELE 3401
- ELE 4630 - Advanced Embedded Systems Prereqs: CPE 2610 or ELE 2610
- ELE 4701 - Control Systems Applications Prereqs: ELE 3320 and ELE 3701
- ELE 4980 - Topics in Electrical Engineering
- ELE 4981 - Topics in Electrical Engineering with Laboratory
- ELE 4999 - Electrical Engineering Independent Study
ELC Secu - Security Elective
This elective is only required for CS students with at least one quarter-based course.
- CSC 3511 - Security and Networking (required for CS students starting in Fall 2022 or later)
- CPE 4800 - Information Security Prereqs: Third-Year Standing
- CYB 2001 - Introduction to Cybersecurity Principles
- CYB 2311 - Introduction to Applied Cryptography Prereqs: MTH 2310
- CYB 3551 - Digital Forensics Prereqs: CSC 3210
- CYB 4551 - Software Reverse Engineering Prereqs: CSC 3210
- SWE 4540 - Network Security Tools and Practices Prereqs: CSC 3210
ELC Free - Free Elective
- Any course that is an ELC MS, ELC PLT, or ELC Secu.
- Any course beginning with one of the following prefixes: ACS, AHT, ANT, ARE, BIE, BME, CAE, CPE, CSE, COM, CON, CVE, CYB, ELE, FNA, GER, HON, HST, HUM, IDS, IND, LIT, MEC, MUS, NUR, PHL, PSC, PSY, SOC, SPN, SSC, SWE, TCM, UGR, and UXD.
- Any CSC course except CSC-1310, CSC-2661 and CSC-2663.
- Any BUS course except BUS-2710, BUS-2730, and BUS-3850.
- MTH 1080, if taken prior to successful completion of MTH 1110.