CSC1110 Lab - Week 2


The purpose of this assignment is to gain experience solving simple programming problems in Java.


For this lab, download the provided Java file and move it to you your csc1110 folder. From there, you are encouraged to make additional folders for different weeks or assignments to make it easier to organize your files, but this is not a requirement.

The downloaded code contains 10 methods stubs that you must implement based on the provided JavaDoc. When you compile and run the program, the main() method will test each method to see if it's return value matches an expected value. It will then print out the expected and actual value in green or red depending on whether they matched or not.

You must implement all the methods such that all the tests pass and produce green text. You should only modify the method stubs and should not change main() or the testMethod() method.


See your professor's instructions for details on submission guidelines and due dates.


This laboratory assignment was developed by Dr. Roby Velez.