CSC1110 Homework 5

Complete the following program

Implement a program called PhoneNumber that reads phone numbers, and for each phone number, it displays the phone number’s three components – country code, area code, and local number. See the sample session for details.

You may assume that the user enters each phone number as a series of digits and dashes, such that there are three groups of digits and two dashes separating the three groups. For example, 1-816-7412000. The first digit group (1 in the example) is the country code, the second digit group (816 in the example) is the area code, and the third digit group (7412000 in the example) is the local phone number.

You may not assume that the number of digits in a particular digit group is fixed. For example, the country code for the United States requires one digit (1) and the country code for China requires two digits (86).

Sample session output

Enter a phone number in the form cc-area-local,
where cc = country code digits, area = area code digits,
and local = local phone digits.
Or enter q to quit:
country code = 1
area code = 816
local phone number = 7412000

Enter a phone number in the form cc-area-local,
where cc = country code digits, area = area code digits,
and local = local phone digits.
Or enter q to quit:
country code = 86
area code = 4412
local phone number = 65287

Enter a phone number in the form cc-area-local,
where cc = country code digits, area = area code digits,
and local = local phone digits.
Or enter q to quit:

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