CSC1110 - Week 7 Homework


Use the link provided by your professor to access the GitHub repo with the starter code.

This assignment consists of two parts.

Part 1: Class Tracing

Complete Exercise 7.3 (pp. 317). This exercise has you trace a program with multiple objects. The program with explanations can be found on pages 277-278 (Figures 7.2 and 7.3). The code can also be found in the assignment repository. There is an Excel file in the repository to use for the tracing.

Part 2: Method-call chaining

In the GitHub starter code, skeletons for the Time and TimeDriver class have been provided. Replace the < insert ...> lines with your own code such that the program operates properly. More specifically:

Submission Instructions:

Add DONE to the README and then Commit and Push your code to GitHub Classroom.