CSC1110 Homework 6

Before you start

Read the instructions and watch the video posted in Lab Assignment 6 for using GitHub Classroom to access and submit your program.

Use the link provided by your professor to access the GitHub repo with the starter code.

Complete the following program

Write a program that mimics the operations of a vending machine. More specifically, the program reads amounts of money that are inserted into the vending machine, asks the user to select an item, and then prints the change that’s returned to the user.

The GitHub repo contains two files: and contains the main() method and should be modified. requires the following specification:

The following sample shows the operation of the program:

Sample Output

Welcome to John's vending machine!

Options: (i)nsert money, (s)elect an item, (q)uit
Enter i, s, or q ==> d
Invalid selection.
Options: (i)nsert money, (s)elect an item, (q)uit
Enter i, s, or q ==> i
Amount of money inserted: -1
Invalid payment. Must enter a positive number.
Amount of money inserted: 0
Invalid payment. Must enter a positive number.
Amount of money inserted: 2
Options: (i)nsert money, (s)elect an item, (q)uit
Enter i, s, or q ==> s
Select item's price: -1
Invalid price. Must enter a positive number.
Select item's price: 0
Invalid price. Must enter a positive number.
Select item's price: .32
Your change
6 quarter(s)
1 dime(s)
1 nickel(s)
3 penny(ies)

Options: (i)nsert money, (s)elect an item, (q)uit
Enter i, s, or q ==> i
Amount of money inserted: 12.43
Options: (i)nsert money, (s)elect an item, (q)uit
Enter i, s, or q ==> s
Select item's price: 8.74
Your change
14 quarter(s)
1 dime(s)
1 nickel(s)
4 penny(ies)

Options: (i)nsert money, (s)elect an item, (q)uit
Enter i, s, or q ==> q

Submission Instructions:

Add DONE to the README and then Commit and Push your code to GitHub Classroom.