CSC1110: Homework Week 4

Part 1: CodingBat

If you haven't already, create a codingBat account using your msoe email address. In the top right corner, click the prefs links and add me ( in the Teacher Share field. This will share your codingBat results with me so that I can grade it. If you do not do this, I can not grade your codingBat progress.

Complete the following CodingBat problems


Part 2: Complete the following program

Write a program called VariableNameChecker that checks the properness of a given variable name. Your program should prompt the user for a variable name or q to quit. After each entry, you should tell the user whether the variable name is good, illegal, or legal but poor style. See the sample output below. Because the user may enter a variable name with spaces, you should use the appropriate Scanner command to deal with an input that has spaces.

In your program, you must have and use methods called isGoodStyle() and a method called isLegal().

Sample session output

This program checks the properness of a proposed Java variable name.
Enter a variable name (q to quit): streetAddress2
Enter a variable name (q to quit): street address2
Enter a variable name (q to quit): StreetAddress2
Legal, but uses poor style.
Enter a variable name (q to quit): 2ndStreetAddress
Enter a variable name (q to quit): street_address$2
Legal, but uses poor style.
Enter a variable name (q to quit): street#address2
Enter a variable name (q to quit): q


Make sure you are logged into CodingBat so your progress is saved. See your professor's instructions for details on submission guidelines and due dates.