CSC1110 Homework - Week 2
This homework will give you practice getting input from the user and parsing it with String and Wrapper methods.
Write a program called Homework2. java that does the following and replicates the output shown below.
- Asks the user for today’s date and the date they were born in the form mm/dd/yyyy. You must assume dates will be in this form.
- Print out the day, month, and year of today’s date. Also, print out how many months are left in the year.
- Print out the day, month, and year of the birthday. Also, print out approximately how many years it has been since their birthdate.
- Print out their approximate age by subtracting their birth year from the current year.
Sample Output
Enter today's date in the format mm/dd/yyyy
Enter your birthdate in the format mm/dd/yyyy
Today is day 24 of the 11 month in the year 2025.
There are/is 1 month(s) left in the year.
You were born on day 4 of the 3 month in the year 1987.
Your approximate age is 38.
See your professor's instructions for details on submission guidelines and due dates.