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addBigrams(List<Word>, List<BasicWord>) - Static method in class textprocessing.Driver
A helper method that generates Bigrams from the ordered List of BasicWords and stores the Bigrams in a List.
addLocation(long) - Method in class textprocessing.BasicWord
This method is required by the superclass, but a BasicWord only has a single, final location.
addLocation(long) - Method in class textprocessing.Bigram
Adds a new locations to an existing Bigram and increments the number of occurrences.
addLocation(long) - Method in class textprocessing.VocabularyEntry
Adds a new locations to an existing Word and increments the number of occurrences.
addLocation(long) - Method in class textprocessing.Word
Adds a new location to an existing Word.
addVocabulary(List<Word>, List<BasicWord>) - Static method in class textprocessing.Driver
A helper method that generates VocabularyEntry objects from the ordered List of BasicWords and stores the entries in a List.
addWords(List<BasicWord>, Scanner) - Static method in class textprocessing.Driver
A helper method that reads words from a text file one at a time and stores the normalized words in a List of BasicWords.
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