1. Implement a program that asks the user to enter three integers and writes them to a text file called ints.txt.
  2. Implement a program that asks the user to enter three doubles and writes them to a binary file called doubles.bin.
  3. Implement a program that reads all of the integers in ints.txt and displays the sum.
  4. Modify the first program so that it appends to ints.txt rather than overwriting the file each time the program runs.
  5. Implement a program that reads two doubles from doubles.bin and displays larger of the two numbers.
  6. Implement the following utility class:
        class ListGenerator {
            -rand: Random$
            +generateInts(max: int) List~Integer~$
            +generateDoubles(max: int) List~Double~$
            +generateStrings(max: int) List~String~$
            -generateString(max: int) String$
    where the last method generates a string containing a random number of digits (no more than max) and each other method generates a random number of desired objects (no more than max).
  7. Implement the following methods:
  8. Implement the following methods:
  9. Implement the following methods:
  10. Implement the following methods:
  11. Refactor the writeDoubles() and readDoubles() methods so that they accept a stream instead of a path.
  12. Implement a program that writes a random number of doubles, followed by a random number of strings, followed by a random number of integers.
  13. Implement another program that reads all numbers in a file ignoring all strings and displays the sum of all the numbers.
  14. Implement another program that reads all the strings in the file and ignores all integers and doubles..